hurmmm...xde ape yg nk dibualkn ari ni...aku cume nk sentuh sket pasal mentaliti org malaysia skang ni..nape skng semakin hari semakin sempit otak org sekeliling kita?..xle nmpak mende pelik sket...ade je x kene...tgk org pakai baju pelik sket da pandang lain mcm...tgk pmpuan pakai seksi sket panggil bohsia...adeh..seblom korang nk kutuk org tu..cube ko bukak mate luas2 sket..tgk diri korang dlu sebelum buat andaian pada org lain!!ni badan sndiri pn x terjaga..ade hati nk kutuk org...sape2 yg terasa tu..aku bkn nk mntak pegi mampos!sape mkn cili mesti rasa pedas..
otak org malaysia skng pendapat aku...mmg agak sempit!tgk laki melayu kuar ngn cina...da pandang lain macam..nk kutuk2...what the hell??aku ade kaco ko ke nk pandang2 aku cmtu...bak kate naddy...korang bg aku mkn ke nk kutuk2 aku..hahahha..
please laa...bukak la mate korang cket!!kembangkn otak tu!!bdn besar otak kecik...badan kecik otak pn kecik!!jgn jadi bangang la!!! korang jugak yg ckp..kene up to date..dressup up to otak korang sempit!!!still di takuk lame...up to date kejadah ape???!! ape jenis bodoh korang ni!!
hurmm..aku da malas nk aku...kite yg merubah diri kite...kite x ubah..kite jd bangang..klo kite dpt kt respek kite...
About Me

- dante_boyz
- me???aku hanya insan biasa..yg masih mencari erti kehidupan... nama ku zul fadhli bin sulaiman. berasal dari kedah..menetap di sentul..mempunyai 5 org adik bradik...ape lg ni cter ni???ahahah no contact aku = 0122487027
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Mari Merapu
My Playlist
Exterior Modifications
~ Complete Re-Spray in Factory 'Flash Red'.
~ Custom Eyelids 2002 European Spec Swift
~Taillight Conversion Diamond Mesh Added To Front
~Bumper, Rear Bumper and Rear Brake ducts(Sidekirts)
~Piaa Super-White Headlight & Corner Light Bulbs
~Shaved Rear Emblems and Front Emblem
~Full 7 Piece Type I JDM Style Body kit.
~Which Includes (front bumper, 2 winglets, huge rear spoiler, rear bumper and 2 sidekirts)
~Prototype BMW //M3 Side Mirrors JDM Clear Corner Lights
Interior Modifications
~Red Recaro SRD Racing Seats w/ optional neck pillow (we used them on the rear seats) White Face Dials / Gauges (Light up Sonic Blue)
~Custom Tailored Red Mats With 'Leather' Grained Aluminum Foot Rests
~RaZO Carbon Fiber Pedals, Brake Handle & Shift Knob
~Chrome Fire Extinguisher
~Autometer Ultra-lite Air/Fuel Gauges
~Custom Volt & Oil Pressure Gauges
~Rear Led Brake Light.
~Silver & Carbon Fiber Interior
~Sparco 4-way Racing Harness's.
~Autometer 6856 Ultralite Silver 5" Tach With Shift Lite.
~Isotta Strata Leather Steering Wheel (350mm).
~Custom Aluminum Sidesills Suspension System Polished Upper Front Strut Bar
~JR Lower Front Strut Bar Polished Upper Rear Strut Bar
~Lowering Sport Springs PolyUrethane Bushings At All Pivot Points
~16x7" 5ZiGEN Inperio S-08 Rims w/ Kumho ECSTA 712's (205/40/ZR16 size) 19mm Rear Swaybar With Urethane Bushings
~GR-2 Shocks Front & Back Front Camber Kit Performance/Engine Modifications Stage 2 128k Chip Prototype Cold Air Intake
~Ceramic Coated Header w/Thermotec Wrap Performace CamShafts Adjustable Cam Gears 8.5mm Resistor Ignition Wires
~Denso Iridium Spark Plugs
~MSD SCi Capacitive Discharge Ignition
~MSD Blaster SS Ignition Coil High Capacity Aluminum Radiator
~Optima Red Top Racing Battery
~APEXi Super AFC Ver II
~Magnex Stainless Steel Downpipe (replaces cat)
~Stainless Steel Exhaust w/ 5' BroSpeed Tip
~JDM Cultus GTi Intake Manifold (match ported)
~Prototype Red Anodized Billet TB w/ .25" Integrated Spacer
~Blue High Temp Silicone Hoses UnderDrive Pulley
~Custom Stiffer Engine Mounts
~Bored Air Flow Meter (custom modified)
~Suzuki Sport Valve Cover (painted blue)
~JDM Cultus GTi Injectors Balanced & Blueprinted
~JAZ Oil Catchcan Brake System 12-Slot Front Rotors Stainless Steel Brake Lines
~Suzuki Sport Brake Pads Sound System
~Panasonic CQVA707WEUC 7" Fully Motorized WideScreen Headunit
~Koss Dv-2162 DVD, SVCD, VCD, MP3, CDR, KVCD, CDRW & JPG Player
~JBL 6x9 GTO-920 Speakers In The Rear Shelf
~Sony XS-F1020 Speakers Up Front
~Optimus Tweeters Mounted On A-Pillar

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